

This is #AlexJones admitting to being in an elite #freemasonry (#masonic, #mason) family and then mixing truth and lie to cover the masons - as every masonic member is bound by blood oath to do from the very first oath.

~ Watching, Preaching, Praying, your growing bro, SH

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[transcribing starting at 2:10 of 7:09]

Alex Jones (AJ) speaking:

"You know I have to probably say that I have major masonic roots. I have never been part of a masonic lodge. I have never taken masonic oaths or rituals. A lot of my family - because Texas was pretty much masonic through and through, was masonic - high-level masonic. And they were very very good people. George Washington was a mason.


I have been interviewed by major TV shows on history - Discovery Channel, you name it - about my view on masonic orders.


It really is next to impossible to try to describe masons and the masonic orders, and the different systems. When I've probably read, well I don't want to exaggerate - 20 books on it. That's not that much. And hundreds of white papers and talked to a lot of top masons, and I know more than most masons do.


Most masons are porch masons and are compartmentalized and don't know really much of anything. They know about Solomon, and basically a bunch of ancient history stuff. University knowledge is very powerful. Mathematics is very powerful, which is associated with magic, the occult, pre-Christ, pre-Abraham. So, it's the Old Time Religion. And all it is, is a university study of religions, of philosophy, and of building and of mathematics and agrarian systems, because they didn't just bring anybody in to teach them the knowledge of warfare, the knowledge of science, the knowledge of culture. Universities were called mystery schools going back to Egypt basically.


And so what you see as masons today is just the schools going on. And there have been hundreds of different variants and groups and rosicrucian orders within the masons and the illuminati - founded in Germany, and there was a counter-illuminati to the real illuminati, that just called itself "the enlightenment". And then in latin "illuminati", but it didn't call itself. Sir Francis Bacon and all of that - hundreds of years before the Jesuit priest Adam Weishaupt.


The modern illuminati was a Catholic spin-off in an attempt to take over the illuminati and the rosicrucians. And, and yes - undoubtedly, my family on both sides of the mayflower, hard-core protestants, you could say rosicrucians.


This country was founded by real rosicrucians, not the rosicrucians you see out there today. And so undoubtedly, if you want to say it, I would say I come out of a classical enlightenment family of what you would call real illuminati, real enlightenment.


And I'll just say it on air, if anyone asks me who I am, I tell ya - there's no secret society. There's no secret messages. There's no secret handshakes. There's freedom. There's Jesus Christ. There's free market. There's family. There's strength. There's honor. There's the will to fight tyrants. That's what there is. The will to fight evil. The will to build a new civilization, built on honor, built on trust, built on building up a system for all of humanity.


And that, that secret was not a secret at all. And it made this country special, in spite all of our evils. The will and the dream to build that new atlantis was special and was pure. And now the globalists have hijacked the new atlantis, and they've used it to take over the world and sell the opposite of what this country was founded on and it tears my heart out.


So, it's easy for lesser men to write an article claiming I'm in some secret society and a mason. I'm in the society of humanity - there are no secrets. [clip ends at 6 minute mark, the rest is commercials.]