


>> Editor’s notes: I’m  not quoting everything in this film, because some things can be interpreted two ways, so I’m giving him leniency on the parts I can. The other parts that I don’t wish to quote are where he is… very close to graphic s*x talk, or s*x jokes or similar perverse story-telling style. If you saw the video, you would see what I mean. So, I’m quoting the places where he clearly contradicts the Word of God. He’s got someone leading him in his message. With “Saving Christmas”, that person was in “the Family”. Who is helping Kirk teach so wrongly here and who their evil connections are? I don’t know. But, as you read this, I think you will see (as we have) that someone is using him to preach really bad teaching, in addition to reducing God’s Word from historical accounts and real Holiness and Judgment, to “stories”.


This is the question that turns Christians into atheists: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?” (“UnStoppable”, minute marker: 7:27)

>> No, if someone is saved they don’t become unsaved. But yes, trials and persecution for the name of Christ do sift out simple and deep false converts from the genuinely saved and sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13, 1st John 5:13)


If you can’t answer the question – why does God allow bad things to happen to good people, it can destroy your faith and prevent you from moving forward in your life. You’ll go crazy.” (“UnStoppable” minute marker: 8:01)

>> Same error repeated.


There is an Author who is writing the greatest story in the world. The great drama of life is being enacted right now on the stage of this world and you and I are characters playing roles in this. And I’m not saying this just because I’m an actor. It’s because that’s really what’s going on. And everybody we know, everything we experience, every mountain, every stream, every ocean, every bird, every sun, every moon, every star, are props that have been placed strategically where they are in order to assist and ultimately make sure that this story is told. And right in the middle of this story written by God – history, you and I are making real-world choices with real-world consequences. And somehow God is steering the whole thing. So, let’s go back to the very beginning of the story…” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 8:38)

>> Mr. Kirk Cameron is here referencing Sir Francis Bacon/William Shakespeare lies: “All the world is a stage and the men and women are merely actors. They have their entrances and their exits.” Why anyone would quote or reference this mason and perverse entertainer, I don’t know. It’s not good – at all. God makes it clear that this isn’t a “stage”, but a refining ground as God is training up faithful servants who have made a covenant with God through Jesus’ blood on the cross. (Matthew 13, Romans 8:16-17; 1st Peter 3:1-7)


… And then God gives them [Adam and Eve], the assignment – the great mission: and that is to be fruitful and multiply… fill the earth and subdue it. Rule it. Take dominion of it, over all of God’s creation. Just as God used Heaven as the pattern for the Garden of Eden – everything was perfect, everything was good, everything was provided. It was very good. Adam and Eve were to use [that] as a pattern for the rest of the world. To bless the world. To Heaven-ize the world, and make it beautiful.” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 17:20)

>> No. You do not find the idea of “Heaven-izing” earth in the Bible – you find it in the pagan “theology” of “the family” and the masons and the Jesuits.


Adam had one job, and that was to tend and keep the garden. In other words, to cultivate and guard. To beautify and protect. Well if I said that to you: guard this - protect what has been entrusted to you.  The obvious question you should be asking yourself is: from what? And this is the worst part of the story up, until this point. Adam is in the garden, with his wife, the most precious thing in the garden. He is to be protecting her – beautifying her, doing his job. [Kirk pauses for drama effect] And a serpent enters the garden. This is exactly what Adam should have been watching for. He should have smelled him (the serpent) a mile away and ran to him and crushed his head, the second that he saw him. Especially after he saw what he was doing to his wife. This is the ultimate breakdown of a man’s responsibility…” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 17:43)

>> There was no death in the garden. There was no murder – there was no stealing, and there was no lying. Lying entered the garden with the satan-possessed serpent/snake. But Kirk has changed the historical account of the Garden of Eden to be a story and is adding to Scripture with multiple lies and half-truths.


This is a story of a man throwing his wife under the bus, and using her as a guinea pig in the human experiment.” (UnStoppable, minute marker 18:30)

>> Is Kirk accusing God of not stopping evil? It seems so. He’s hinted at it twice.


[Kirk’s film then displays a snake-man who then plays out a scene that is far more like the satanic/masonry lies of “Lilith” that CS Lewis and freemasonry tells, than of the historical Biblical account. Again, Kirk is adding to Scripture what is not there – contradicting what is there in plain Scripture. Why does he like myths and fables contrary to the Word of God? (2nd Timothy 4:4; 2nd Peter 1:16) – Shame on Kirk and his “mentor(s)”is/are.]


“… Now why did God do that (clothe them with animal skins)? Was it because the fig-leaves were going to wear out and this was a better covering? Uh, probably. But, have you ever thought about this? God clothed them in the skins of beasts, because they had just listened to a beast. Maybe it was a reminder of their sin. God is saying if you’re going to act like beasts, you’re going to look like beasts. Because people always end up looking like the “gods” we follow.” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 23:00)

>> No, Kirk. I’m sorry you are listening to and following one of satan’s false teachers – whoever is your “mentor” or “handler”, and I’m sorry you are twisting God’s Word and peddling God’s Word for profit, but you are wrong. You are contradicting God’s clear Word.
3 And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. 4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his offering…” (Genesis 4:3-4) – God used this to start the pattern of animal sacrifice, as we see in both Genesis 3:15, and here in Genesis 4. Cain refused to obey God’s command of how to sacrifice because he was a rebel against God, which is why God rebuked him and called him to repent. Instead, Cain decided to murder and lie. Yet none of that is God’s fault – man chose to rebel, and yet God called them to repent and look to the future Messiah.


[The next scene is of Kirk’s “rendition” of Cain murdering his brother. Cain with his face covered like an Arab as he is about to murder Abel, with Abel looking over his shoulder. There is a chase scene with some pagan Rock and Roll song in the background. And Cain drowns/stones/clubs in a river/stream and then finishing murdering him on the edge of the river - instead of murdering him in a field, as the Scripture says clearly.]

>> Kirk can’t read the Bible apparently.
4 Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his offering, 5 but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. 6 So the LORD said to Cain, ‘Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.’ 8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. 9 Then the LORD said to Cain, ‘Where is Abel your brother?’ He said, ‘I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?’ 10 And He said, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. 12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.’…” (Genesis 4:4-12)

>> By now, I think it’s clear to all of us that Kirk Cameron is a false teacher and a story-teller, but he doesn’t stop here.


The first human being’s blood has just been spilled. There is a person dead for the first time in God’s perfect world. I mean if you’re going to tell a story about a family, and the family has two boys – the worst thing you can have happen is that one of the boys kills the other one. And the one that dies is the good one. It wasn’t the bad kid that died, it was the good one – the innocent one – the one who did the right thing. His blood is spilled. And God protects the murderer. The bad guy doesn’t die, the good guy dies. And God places a mark on Cain. And it was a mark that protected him – that told everyone around him that if you come after Cain, I am coming after you. With this mark, on this beast. (UnStoppable, minute marker: 27:00)

>> There are so many little contradictions to God’s Word here – I hope some people can see them. But, I also hope people can see how Kirk keeps turning things on God – to blame God. Is he trying to help atheists or is he one of them? Will Kirk correct them? Ho w many will he correct?

>> One key contradiction is that Cain loudly rebelled against God and it shows in the text, but Kirk pretends that Cain murdered randomly so. No, it was calculated. But you only see that when you understand the text.

>> I’m also shocked that Kirk would pretend that Cain murdering was God’s fault somehow, and that God then protected the murderer. Yet, contrary to Kirk, God’s Word explains what Kirk refused to:
8 Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. 9 Then the LORD said to Cain, ‘Where is Abel your brother?’ He said, ‘I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper?’ 10 And He said, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground. 11 So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. 12 When you till the ground, it shall no longer yield its strength to you. A fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth.’…” (Genesis 4:8-12)

Again, God makes it very clear – as God did then, so He does through the apostle John:

10 In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother. 11 For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, 12 not as Cain who was of the wicked one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his works were evil and his brother's righteous.” (1 John 3:10-12)

>> If someone keeps insulting their boss day in and day out – will they keep their job? If a man insults his wife day in and day out – will his marriage stay intact? How about with God – if a rebellious man, as Cain was, wars against God by repeatedly choosing to disobey Him, will he keep his relationship right with his God? How about Kirk – if he keeps insulting God and warring against Him and His Word, will he keep his right relationship with God? The answer to all of those is no. Kirk is pouring out the evil hatred he has against God from his own heart.

34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. (Matthew 12:34-37)


“… And it was a mark that protected him – that told everyone around him that if you come after Cain, I am coming after you. With this mark, on this beast. I mean we could almost wonder if this isn’t the first mark of the beast. The original mark of the beast. And it’s a mark of protection. Why is this happening? I mean if I were writing the story, I’d have the bad guy die and the good one win. But that’s not what happens What’s going on.” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 27:30)

>> Kirk… you’re accusing God of creating the first “mark of the beast”? That’s lying at another level.


When we ask these big questions about why. Why do these things happen? Why does pain and suffering happen in a world like this? We’ve got to get a perspective that is much bigger than where we are right now. And we open up the Bible. This is God’s Story, and this is where He explains how to make sense of this world that we’re living in. But, when we open it up, we start out with this wild story of creating a world and a universe out of nothing. And then God creates man out of dirt, and then He creates woman out the side of a man. And we think wow – that’s amazing. And it’s beautiful – and I can buy that. And then we can see how man falls into rebellion and sin. And then there’s the story of Cain and Abel. And that’s a very sad story, but you can believe that. You can see people doing horrible things and taking people’s lives. But that’s a story about brothers and bad things that they are doing to one another. And we can believe that because we see that happening all the time…” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 28:00)

>> Sad… Here Kirk is presenting the Bible as wild and fun and crazy “stories”. Notice how Kirk is not quoting Scripture, but using human-reason and emotion to supposedly share the “gospel” with the viewer – be they “atheist”/agnostic or “Christian”. So far, no gospel, and no foundation of Bible to stand on.


“But then, the story takes this drastic turn to what God does. The world gets so filled with violence and corruption and wickedness, God decides to unleash a giant flood. He decides to break open the great “fountains of the deep”, and the windows of Heaven open up and water floods the whole world. To the point where everything dies – everything that has breath, on the land and in the air completely perishes. Except for 1 man Noah and those who are with him on the ark. (UnStoppable, minute marker: 29:15)

>> “Story”. Is that all the Bible is to you, Kirk – “stories”? Here Kirk makes God to be a reactionary God… completely missing the facts of God’s constant communication to individuals as well as through prophets and teachers, and visits and teaching from God Himself.


From a story-telling point of view, that is such a hard sell. It’s funny because I’ve been in plenty of meetings where you’re trying to pitch a story to Hollywood executives, and you’re trying to convince them that this is the greatest story in the world…  (UnStoppable, minute marker: 29:45)

[shows clip of doing just that.]


But if this was the story, and this was the script that I had to pitch as a story, I can’t even imagine getting to the point where I tell them that hero of the story actually floods the entire world that He made, and everyone dies. I can imagine them saying to me: you need to go back to script-writing school, clearly, you missed a few classes. That’s not how you endear the hero to the audience. This part of the story is such… it’s such a hard sell.” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 30:10)

>> So, Kirk changes the Bible to sell it to Hollywood and the world to get them to buy it?


[Kirk then did a skit about Follywood supposedly hearing the “story” of Noah from the Bible… the main guy was Kirk’s friend from “Saving Christmas’ – Darren Doane, who played “Christian White” and was co-director.] Last quote: ”You don’t want to be telling a story about death. It’s not what people want to hear. People don’t want to go to a movie and hear about death.”

>> True… but how did Follywood get center-stage as choosing how we are to teach the Bible?


The problem with stories that we think we know so well is that sometimes we become so familiar with them, that we get confused, because we overlook details that actually make the story make sense. The details that actually complete the whole story. Think of Adam and Eve. It’s easy to be caught up with the serpent and the rebellion and the fruit on the tree and God pronouncing a death sentence and being expelled from the garden. But what should captivate us above all other things is that fact that God is demonstrating His mercy and His Kindness. His care. His protection. And His grace toward them. I mean, think about it – God did not kill Adam and Eve. He didn’t abandon them. He didn’t throw them into Hell. He begins providing for them. He gives them clothes. He gives them food. He gives them more children. He sends angels to watch over them. And He gives them a promise. When they were filled with guilt and shame and fear, a promise that God would send a descendant of Eve who would crush that serpent’s head and fix all of this. (UnStoppable, minute marker: 37:47)

>> Very emotion-driven message – repentance is not mentioned, and the gospel isn’t either, yet.


When you’re standing in the midst of a crime scene, it’s easy to noticed and be shocked by blood stains on the ground. But what should shock us even more at this point in the story is the grace and patience and kindness of God. Think about it. If ever there was a time when God could have said, I’m done with the human race, I’m going to end this right now – it was here (at Cain murdering Abel). Adam rebelled against God. And the apple didn’t fall far from the tree – now his son murders his brother and lies to God’s face. While he was talking to God, God heard Abel’s blood crying through Cain’s lying teeth. But, God didn’t kill him. And He didn’t forget about Abel. He wasn’t oblivious to Abel’s cry. Abel’s own blood had a voice and it cried out from the ground and reached God’s ears in Heaven...” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 39:14)

>> Kirk isn’t answering the twisted questions he raised or quite quoting Scripture. But, I do realize from this video – especially in that last quote, that Kirk believes God to be aloof – away from men – far away in Heaven. That’s what an unsaved person believes as well as any person who is in such rebellion against God that their prayers aren’t answered. It explains his confused perspective quite well.


And Abel made it into the Faith Hall of Fame. He’s been given a lasting legacy and will be forever remembered as an example of someone who approached God the right way. By faith. (UnStoppable, minute marker: 40:15)

>> Same problem spelled out a little more. He doesn’t believe that God is here.


There’s only one world. The world that Adam and Eve lived in – Cain and Abel lived in, is the same world that we live in. We breath the same air. We walk on the same ground. And we look at the same ocean. During the days of Noah, this was not about God destroying the world, humanity was destroying itself. Men had filled the world with so much wickedness and violence, that they were going to completely kill and annihilate one another. All they needed was more time. But, God mercifully steps in and cuts that short. He puts a period at the end to stop evil. He packs the whole world up into a wooden box and fills it with everything needed for a brand new world. He floats it on top of the ocean, while He deals with all of the evil below. And when He’s finished, it rests on the top of the mountain, and He opens the wooden box, and everything is there to start all over: a new man, a new woman, children – a family. Food. Animals. Noah plants a vineyard  - we’re back in a garden. We’re starting over. A new and better world is being birthed through tragedy. The world has been born again.” (UnStoppable, minute marker: 40:29)

>> Same problem even worse. Kirk either doesn’t realize or doesn’t acknowledge  or covers up, the demonic witchcraft reason that God had to rescue Noah and his family from. But aside from that – he’s sort of on track, finally. Except for one key thing: God doesn’t inspire the New World Order to create “tragedies” through their illegal and murderous wars, or through the Rockefeller medical murder system – so that He can create a new us. He calls humans to believe His Word and stand up to evil – something Kirk won’t do. He’s partnering with and excusing the push for a “New World” out of tragedy – which is the Jesuit/Mason motto: “Ordo Ab Chao” = satanic “order” out of strategically-created “chaos”.

>> Also, a key twist: the world was not “born again”. Kirk using that phrase shows that he doesn’t understand John 3 at all. He’s putting a new-age twist on the Bible – which is very bad for him, and is very sad.


And then God gives them a promise: a brilliant sign in the sky: a rainbow. Let’s think for a minute about the rainbow. The promise that God put in the sky – this symbol that would be a permanent promise that He would never again use water to flood and destroy the world. It’s interesting that the word “rainbow” is not the word that God uses when He promises Noah. The word He uses is “bow” – simply “my bow”. I’ll place my bow in the clouds – I’ll hang my bow in the clouds. Well, what’s God’s bow? His bow is only one thing. It’s what God says He will bend. He will dip the arrows, and point them at the hearts of His enemies. God’s bow is His weapon of Judgment. It’s a war-bow of wrath, aimed at His enemies. And God’s saying I’m going to hang that in the clouds. He’s putting it away. He’s not using it. He’s hanging it in the clouds. In essence, He’s suspending His Judgment and He will no longer use water to flood and destroy all flesh and the world. But have you ever noticed how the bow is positioned? How it’s oriented? Look at the way it’s hanging. It’s hanging like this (aimed up). If it were a bow, the string would be stretched along the horizon. And where is the bow pointed? Where would the arrows be directed? Where? Up. To Heaven. Where is God? In Heaven. The next time we see God pouring out His Judgment and wrath for the sin of the whole world, is at the cross, where Jesus Christ hangs and dies. He Himself – God Himself,  becomes a man – a perfect man. And then He takes upon Himself the Judgment for the sin of the world. Could the rainbow possibly pointing to that day? When God’s Judgment and wrath comes to Him, instead of upon His creation?


[Kirk’s words are interspersed with pictures and memories of his young friend who died, who Kirk used to think about these things. This pause here shows the viewing just before a funeral – in South Dakota. Kirk drops by to share some warmth and caring to the grieving friends that he knows.]


“I mean, let’s just fill in the distance between the bow and the cross. God washes the world clean of sin. He drowns evil and gives man a brand new chance. You have a new beginning, but you have the same old heart. And the same pattern starts to emerge again. Man is pushing God away. He wants to get out from under the authority of God and make a name for himself. And bad goes to worse and eventually you come to the Tower of Babel, where they are all together as one people, in one place, with one language. You have a one-world government building a tower to reach to the Heavens, so that we will not be “scattered” all over the earth. Well that’s exactly what God told them to do. He told it to Adam – be fruitful, multiply. Spread out and fill the earth. He told the same thing to Noah. And that’s precisely what they’re not doing.


So, God confuses their language, they have no more communication, and they are forced to scatter and disperse. And all of that develops into the Babylonian empire. And then we see the Assyrian empire – these are cultures of death, human sacrifice, idolatry, wickedness, violence, immorality. Then moving into the Greek empire, and the Roman empire. And the Romans conquered the Greeks militarily, but the Greeks morality infected and conquered Rome, and brought Rome to the darkest, bleakest, most wicked culture on the planet. This was a culture of death.


And meanwhile, we see that God has still not given up on His plan. He is starting a brand new nation in the middle of this culture of death. He raises up a man named Abraham – who starts a nation, through his family, called Israel. And it’s through these promises  that God brings man that new and better Adam. Ultimate culture of death that the Author of Life is born. (UnStoppable, minute marker: 41:55)

>> He understands New World Order lies…. Not sure where he is headed…

>> Key point: Abraham was not wandering to find his way. Jesus met with Him in person quite a few times, and He both heard from God and God also had given him a covenant and laws to understand God’s Word and will – just not as clear as today. So… Kirk has reduced the situation to a story, akin to the twisted Vatican story – but God’s Word contradicts both Kirk and the Vatican here.


[Still remembering the child that died – now going to sign the guestbook at the school.]


Let’s just talk about Jesus for a minute. This is the Man that God promised Eve in the Garden would come as one of her descendants and crush the serpent’s head. Precisely what her husband Adam did not do. The Last Adam, Jesus, was the One who would protect His bride. Adam failed to protect her in the Garden. Jesus succeeds and is victorious in a garden. And He protects His bride. He crushes the serpent’s head. He is the One who is going to reverse the curse. This is the new and better Adam – the Last Adam, who is going to raise the dead, heal the sick, give sight to the blind, turn water into wine, feed thousands, and restore the whole world back to its Maker, and His people back to their mission of Heavenizing the earth. He comes and fulfills all the law and the prophets. And then His own people kill Him.


I mean, that’s how the story goes. It’s Jesus facing His own team – being fully corrupted. A religious hypocrisy that is at its worst, and the Roman empire which is in charge of the whole world. And together, they conspire to kill Jesus. But then He’s resurrected. So, hopes are back up. That He is who He said He was. That this was the Redeemer who would set people free from fear, guilt and shame and death. This really was Him. But then He leaves. He’s only back for 40 days and then He leaves. And He leaves His followers in this culture of death, which has only gotten worse. They were sawn in half, they were fed to the lions, they were burned at the stake, they were crucified upside down. More tragedy in the story. At what point does God say – Enough? Enough of death. I’m done with it.


It’s exactly at the moment that Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus flips death on its head by dying for His enemies. You see, all throughout history, the manifesto of empires was – you kill your enemies and take over the world. Jesus comes in and says – I’m going to show you how you use death to change the world. And in love, He comes and lays down His own life for His enemies.


Three days after He was placed into a tomb, everything changed. Nothing is the same. The funeral is no longer the finish. The grave is not the goal. Jesus said – unless a kernel of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it will multiply and produce abundant fruit. Matthew (his friend who just passed away) is a seed who was planted in the earth. And already, I’m seeing signs of life. Every graveyard is a garden. In fact, they used to be called “grave gardens” because they’re full of seeds. People who love God – planted in the earth. And one day, each of those seeds, like Matthew, will burst through the mud on top of their grave into a brand new world.


When Jesus rose from the grave, that was His victory lap. The battle had already been won. The resurrection was good at publicly humiliating evil. This was life swallowing up death. This was rubbing the devil’s nose in the fact that he had just been stripped, defanged and neutered. And when Jesus ascended into Heaven, He wasn’t abandoning His disciples. He was going to His Father to present His spoils from His decisive win. He had just won His bride. He had just defeated the devil. And He was going to sit down on His Throne and receive all authority, power and dominion. Both in Heaven and on Earth. He put all His enemies under His feet. I can even hear the words of the Father saying – well done Son. Well done. And the Son saying – there’s just one more thing. Let’s give them power. And the story goes on to the whole world being lit up with the good news that light overcomes darkness. That love overcomes hatred. And life overcomes death.


We have a God who is not immune to pain and suffering. He’s not a “god” who’s sitting on a cloud somewhere with his arms and legs crossed and his eyes closed  and a smile on his face – not paying attention, or not caring about the things that are happening right here. He stepped into it. He entered our world of flesh and blood, of pain and suffering, of tears and death. He tasted it. He’s experienced it. He fully and completely gets it. He hung on a cross. Alone. Nails through His hands and His feet. His arms and His legs twisted. His back ripped open. His face bleeding from the thorn-pricks around His head. His mouth dry and un-bearably thirsty. Plunged into God-forsaken darkness. And He did it for us. He understands. He can help. That’s the “god” that’s for me. That’s the “god’ that’s for you.


I know there’s a question mark that still hangs over the subject of suffering. Why? Why didn’t you heal my friend, when You know You could have? Why doesn’t He heal your pain or my pain? But, I have a peace about Matthew’s life and death. I watched his mother and his father and his sister walk Matthew to the gates of Heaven. One father handing his son to another. And I have peace about that. Because I’ve already seen my God use the most horrific and tragic events in history for the greatest things in the world. He was there at the fall. He was there at the flood. He didn’t take His hands off the wheel. He was there in the crucifixion. And the worst most tragic thing that has ever happened to the most perfect pure and innocent person – turns out to be the greatest thing the world has ever seen. It brought the salvation of God to the world. And so I have hope that every tragedy in my life and yours. Every future tragedy, every future pain and struggle and suffering and death, God can and will use those things for His greater glory and our good. Because that’s what He’s been doing all along. Through all of the pain and the suffering and the grief, God is working out this same unstoppable purpose for you. He’s forming in you the character needed for the assignment that He has for you. Every father, every daughter, every mother, every son. He’s creating a sense of commitment in you. God is developing a confidence that only those who experience trials and tragedy can have. Only through a Matthew-kind of process can you have that unshakeable faith and overwhelming confidence in God. Because He is a God of purpose. And He floods your heart with a compassion for people, so that you can help them when they go through trials.


What’s being created in you, because of your painful experience, this is the very apex – the ultimate expression of the very heart of God to others. And that God of purpose and love and power somehow transforms that question mark into an exclamation point for me. And reminds me that God is good. We can trust Him. And His purposes are unstoppable.(UnStoppable, the last scenes.)


[ending scene: “In loving memory of Matthew James Sandgren, May 2, 1997-August 23, 2012. Short-lived… Deeply loved… Never forgotten]


>> Concluding notes: Kirk kept away from the word “repent”. He also kept the wording really general about why Jesus came. He also created some new mythology about the rainbow… I’m really not sure of what to make of how he ended his speech. He stayed away from quoting Scripture, while trying to appeal to all ages and all religions… or so it seems. Something’s very off here, but I can’t figure it out. Any help would be welcome. ~ Thank you.